Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 6 Reading Notes

This unit covered a variety of computer networks.

The Wikipedia definition of LAN-A computer network covering a small physical area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings, such as a school.

Common technologies associated with a LAN include:

Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair cabling

The Computer Network reading was interesting because it explained how different types of networks were connected, and it also went into detail about the hardware used to connect the networks.

Library Local Area Networks are complex in that all users are not all granted the same access---Employees are granted different access to the network than patrons--
A patron might have access to the internet and library catalog, while a library employee might have access to the color printer, internet, database, etc.

Devices in a network are connected logically. Their connections are independent of the physical layout of the network.

The YouTube video basically reiterated the different types of networks.

The RFID article covered Radio Frequency Identifiers and their emerging presence in libraries.

This article was disturbing to me because I work in Circ. and basically if RFID was implemented in my library, my job would be eliminated. I do think, though, that patrons would miss the customer service the circulation staff provides. The technology of RFID is incredible and can have many applications. I just wouldn't want to go overboard. Also, there are costs to consider, such as having to purchase durable tags; pretty spendy.

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