Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 7 Reading Notes

Internet Infrastructure-

The Internet Society, point of presence, routers.

Routers ensure taht info doesn't go where its not needed. Provides a pathway for large volumes of data, preventing them from clogging the system. Keeps info flowing smoothly.

Info gets where it needs to go.

It also protects networks from one another.

Massive amounts of information can be transmitted through 'backbones,' or fiber optic trunk lines. Many companies operate their own backbone.

NAP, IP Address

Network Access Points

NAP's are intersections/hubs where one connects to the internet. By tapping into these, high-capacity backbones are able to form a web of communication around the world.

An IP Address is usually expressed in decimal format. Net-identifies the network that a computer belongs to. Host-identifies tha actual computer in the network.


Caching-remembers IP addresses already searched for.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems

An interesting concept. Faced with budget cuts, the library I work at is no longer able to afford a new ISL system (I think we had chosen to go with Polaris).

Possibly dismantling our current system/ finding better solutions would be an alternative?

Maybe we can slowly replace bits and pieces, integrating the old with the new...

Google Video

This was entertaining and educational. Google encourages its employees to take on small projects, Googlettes, on their own. Examples: Google Answers, Orkut.

Seeing how information is transmitted around the world at any given time is amazing. I like that the guys seem humble, and that they truly believe in what they are doing.

1 comment:

Kristina Grube Lacroix said...

I also thought the google video was very informative. It is hard to believe that it was taped in 2004, I can't imagine how much they must have grown in the past 4 1/2 years. It does seem like a company that focuses on people and is very good to thier employees.